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 Get List of Total Open Alerts by Department


The GetDeptTotalsForUnresolvedAlerts function retrieves totals of new and unresolved alerts for a specified store and department, on an hour-by-hour basis.

Alerts are treated as unresolved for a specific hour if they were recognized as new in previous hours, and have not yet been reported as being resolved in some fashion.

The resulting list is restricted to a single week. Primarily, this list contains totals for the departments with open alerts in the specified week. In the report for the given store and department, open alerts in the previous week that are not resolved prior to the week specified as the current one are treated as open in the first hour of the first day.

Input Parameters

This function requires the following parameters:

  • storeId: Technical identification of the store

  • departmentId: Technical identification of the department

  • weekStarting: The start of the 7 day-long week.

    Example format: ‘2013-05-28T10:00:00’.

Example URL for calling the function



This function returns the following information:

  • Department ID

  • Period: start time and end time of the hour in question

  • Total of unresolved alerts after the period expired

  • Total of new alerts generated in the given period