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Syntax documentationEvDNV Locate this document in the navigation structure

The EvDNV (Document Navigation) function allows you to display a list of documents posted to the Content Library page of Interface for the Web.

Note Note

The Content library does not require an association to a specific application or dimension member.

End of the note.

Syntax Syntax

  1. EvDNV(Application,Document type,SubType,Description,Start date,End date,Sort field,Ascending order,Target window, Member1,..,Member10)
End of the code.

Application (optional) — The name of the application where the documents reside. If you leave it blank, the system displays all documents from all applications in the active application set.

Document type (optional) — The document type under which the documents are saved. If you leave it blank, the system returns all document types.

Subtype (optional) — The subtype under which the documents are saved. If you leave it blank, the system returns all document subtypes.

Description (optional) — The document description (title).

Start date — A starting date from which to search the Content Library list for the document. The format must be mm–dd–yyyy.

End date — An ending date to which to search the Content Library list for the document. The format must be mm–dd–yyyy.

Sort field (optional)

  • 0 = Title

  • 1 = Type

  • 2 = Subtype

  • 3 = Application (context)

  • 4 = Date

Ascending order (optional)

  • 0 = Ascending

  • 1 = Descending

TargetWindow (optional) — Determines where to display the documents.

  • 0 = Same frame (default)

  • 1 = Same window

  • 2 = New window

Member1 - Membern (Optional) — One or more members, to display documents with a specific application context. You must specify an application.

Example Example

The following example displays a URL called View Document. When you select it, a page containing a document called Europe, pertaining to the Finance application and posted by jsmith displays in the Content Library of Interface for the Web.

Hyperlink(EvDNV(Finance,Europe,jsmith,Time,0),View Document)

End of the example.