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Function documentationValidations Locate this document in the navigation structure


Validation rules allow you to check the integrity and correctness of entered values, before signing off such data as approved. The action of this procedure is limited to the comparison of several accounts (or sets of accounts) and to post the difference, if any, into some error account. The purpose should be to have zeros in all these error accounts.

The validation process is handled by a stored procedure called SPRUNVALID.

This procedure is launched using the logic statement:


For example:


The following table describes the fields to define in the validation table.

Field Name


Validation account

The member ID of the 'error' account.


A description for the rule.

Validation operand

=, <, >, >=,<=

If the sign is =, the total of the left account must be equal to the total of the right account *-1

If the sign is >, the total of the left account must be greater than the total of the right account *-1

If the sign is <, the total of the left account must be smaller than the total of the right account *-1

Other source dimensions

Blank, or filter criteria for the original data extraction. Used to limit the selection on one dimension.

Other destination dimensions

Blank, or a forced destination. Used to force a target destination’s dimension.

Applicable periods

Blank, or one or more time periods.

Validation tolerance

Used to determine a limitation in the Value.

All validations compare the Left part with the right part (ACCOUNT_L with ACCOUNT_R). You can have more than one account in the left or in the right. The system calculates all the accounts on the left and compares it with all the accounts on the right.

Here are some examples:

  • TOTAS00000 Total Asset = 1000

  • TOTLI00000 Total Liabilities = 990

If the validation sign is =, 10 is generated in the validation account because 1000 is not equal to 990.

If the validation sign is <, 10 is generated in the validation account because 1000 is not smaller than 990.

If the validation sign is >, nothing is generated in the validation account because 1000 is greater than 990.