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Procedure documentationCreate Dynamic Hierarchies Locate this document in the navigation structure


You create dynamic hierarchies using the Dynamic Hierarchy Editor provided in Interface for Excel.

To create dynamic hierarchies in the Microsoft version of Interface for Office, select   eSubmit   Manage Dynamic Hierarchies  . In the NetWeaver version, select   eSubmit   Manage Dynamic Hierarchies  

  • The Tree Settings section at the top of the window shows the Category, Time, and Groups setting from the active current view. Use the drop-down menus in these fields to change the Category and Time members for which you want to create a dynamic hierarchy. Use the drop-down menu in the Groups field to specify the member that you want to use as the parent in the hierarchy. If this member is defined as part of a fixed hierarchy for a statutory consolidation, that fixed hierarchy is imported intact into the DHE. Expand the parent member to view any existing children.

  • Select the Show unused radio button on the right side of the Tree Settings section. The word Unused appears below the parent group name. Select the plus sign next to Unused to display the list of all the potential child entities. Using drag and drop, move child entities from the Unused list to the desired position below the parent member.

    Alternatively, you may highlight a used child member and select the Add Sibling icon from the Actions toolbat. This displays the Add Sibling window. Select the desired sibling and select OK. When all the child entities have been added, select the Save icon from the Actions toolbar.

  • After you create the desired hierarchy, you can enter detail for each child member, as described in the following section.

  • If using the Microsoft version of Interface for Office, enter the desired values in the Node Details table: In the Methods field, double-click to display a drop-down list of valid values. The Methods lookup feature can be enabled by specifying the table name in the Org_TabMethods application parameter. The default value of this parameter is CLCMETHOD, which is the default table where the options are stored. In the POWN and PCON fields, enter the desired percentages of ownership and consolidation, respectively.

    If using the NetWeaver version of Interface for Office, the table name initiates from UJ and the name of the DDIC table is UJP_Method. The default member fields that are available from DHE for input are POWN, PCON, and Method. The application parameter ORG_Accountlist controls the input fields for DHE; the default value is POWN, PCON, and Method. In the POWN and PCON fields, enter the desired percentages of ownership and consolidation, respectively.

To open Interface for Excel to the current view displayed in DHE, select   Options   Autoset CV   from the DHE menu.

You may display all members that have detail but are not used in a hierarchy. Select the Show unused with value radio button on the right side of the Tree Settings section. This function helps assure that you do not forget to attach a member with associated details to a hierarchy.

Enter child member detail

When working with consolidation applications, you can provide consolidation information, such as percent ownership, percent control, percent consolidation, and the consolidation method to the child members. You use the Node Details section of the DHE window to enter this detail.

From the DHE window, select the desired child member. Move your cursor to the Node Details section on the lower right side of the DHE window. The columns are determined by the values specified in the Org_AccountList application parameter for the ownership application. The default value of this parameter is Method, POWN, POWND, PCON. If you specified different values in the Org_AccountList field, the Node Details table has different columns. Note that the ID, DESCRIPTION, and PARENT fields refer to the selected child member. Select the Auto Fill Up check box if you want the selected member's ancestors to appear in the table. (This occurs only if the member is a base-level member. Detail is not entered for non-base-level members.)

Delete a child member

Select a child member and press CTRL+D or select the Delete icon. If a deleted member had method, ownership or consolidation detail specified, that detail remains with the member after it is deleted (the detail is not deleted). You may display all members that have detail but are not used in a hierarchy. Select the Show unused with value radio button on the right side of the Tree Settings section. This function helps assure that you do not forget to attach a member with associated details to a hierarchy.

Copy a hierarchy

To copy a hierarchy to another period, display the hierarchy in DHE, highlight the parent dimension and choose Copy. Select the Category and Time to which you want to copy the hierarchy. This feature copies the hierarchy only; not member details from the original hierarchy. You must enter member details manually for the new Category/Time.