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Syntax documentationEvSET Locate this document in the navigation structure

The EvSET (Set expression) function works with the EvENE and EvLST functions. On its own it has no impact on the behavior of a report, but in EvENE or EvLST functions, it creates a set expression. That set expression is used in the SetExpression parameter of the EvENE or EvLST function.






The current application name.


The dimension member on which you would like to base the expansion.


(Optional) The members to include in the expansion. You can use the following options:

  • SELF (Default) Returns the current member

  • EVDPS Returns the current member and its dependents

  • EVDEP Returns the current member's dependents

  • EVBSS Returns the current member and its base level members

  • EVBAS Returns the current member's base level members

  • EVALS Returns the current member and all members below it

  • EVALL Returns all members below the current member

  • EVMembers Returns all members, above and below the current member

You can also use any of the following MDX functions:

  • BEFORE (Default) Returns descendant members from LevelDown value only. Includes «Member», if and only if LevelDown value specified is the level of Member.

  • AFTER Returns descendant members from all levels subordinate to LevelDown value.

  • LEAVES Returns leaf descendant members irrespective of the level.

  • SELF_AND_AFTER Returns descendant members from LevelDown value and all levels subordinate to LevelDown value.

  • SELF_AND_BEFORE Returns descendant members from LevelDown value and all levels between Member and LevelDown value.

  • SELF_BEFORE_AFTER Returns descendant members from all levels subordinate to the level of Member.

  • BEFORE_AND_AFTER Returns descendant members from all levels subordinate to the level of Member except members from LevelDown value.


(Optional) Used with MDX flags to specify how many levels within a hierarchy to display.


(Optional) TRUE puts parent before children. FALSE puts parent after children.


(Optional) Uses conditional MDX statements to base expansion on member properties, and to specify fixed dimension members. The Filter property is used with the IncludeFlag property. The value in the IncludeFlag is filtered based on the value, or condition, of the Filter property.

Example Example

The following formula returns WorldWide1 and all descendents whose Currency property value is USD. This EvSET formula is used in an EvENE function, as shown in the example below.

=EVSET(B1,B2,"SELF_AND_BEFORE",99,TRUE,EVPXR("Entity","SalesUS","Currency" ) & "=""USD""")

End of the example.