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Function documentationFormat Ranges Locate this document in the navigation structure


You define format ranges that can point either to one cell or to an entire range of cells.


For one cell, EVDRE applies the format of the defined cell to the entire data range.

For a range of cells, EVDRE interprets the content of the cells in the defined range to derive the formatting instructions, then applies them to different areas in the report range.

When you leave the FormatRange cell blank, EvDRE automatically derives the format of the data range from the format of the top left cell of the data range to be expanded.

You can define one or multiple format values:

Define one format value

You can point to one cell for the data cell format, define the format range, then select   eTools   Expand All  .

Define multiple format values

You can define multiple format values when you want to define formatting for different areas of report.

  • You can specify multiple formatting instructions using multiple rows, each row representing one formatting instruction.

  • The system executes the EvDRE function in sequence from the first (top row) to the last (bottom row) in the range.

  • You can define which format should prevail over conflicting formats (for example, the Locked format overwrites the Calc format, which in turn overwrites the Default format).

  • You can overlay different formatting properties on the same cell.

  • You can also define a different format for different ranges of the sheet.

Note Note

FormatRange supports empty members in both Row and Column MemberSet definitions to allow for more versatile formatting.

End of the note.

Scaling EvDRE Data

You can scale EvDRE data to the thousands using standard Excel options. From an EvDRE workbook, right click on the cell you want to scale. Select   Format Cells   Number   Custom  . Select #,##0.00,_);[Red](#,##0.00,), then choose OK. For example, if you enter 1000 in a cell with this formatting applied, Excel shows 1.00.


To define multiple formats, set up a table in EvDRE with six columns. Each column represents a separate parameter of a formatting instruction. See Multiple Format Ranges.