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Process documentation Processing Clock-In/Out Corrections  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


You use this process to correct clock-in and clock-out entries.


You have scheduled background processing for the following reports or have provided suitable variants of the reports for your time administrators and employees with personnel responsibility.

·        RPTCORTMAIL (Clock-In/Out Corrections: Request Correction of Errors)

·        RPTCOREMAIL (Clock-In/Out Corrections: E-Mails to Involved Persons)

·        RPTCORPOST (Clock-In/Out Corrections: Post)

·        RPTCORSTOPWF (Clock-In/Out Corrections: End Open Processes)

·        RPTCORLIST (Clock-In/Out Corrections: Check Corrections)

·        RPTCORERR (Clock-In/Out Corrections: Process Errors in Entries)


For more information about the reports, see the report documentation.

Process Flow


       1.      During the time evaluation run, the system issues a message due to an employee having made an incorrect entry at the time recording terminal.

       2.      The RPTCORTMAIL report (Clock-In/Out Corrections: Request Correction of Errors) runs directly after time evaluation. It sends an e-mail to the employees concerned for all time evaluation messages that you have customized as being relevant for the employees. The e-mail notifies the employees of the error.


An alternative process also exists. Depending on the Customizing settings, the employee can alternatively make the correction directly when he or she notices the mistake when posting data.

       3.      The employee accesses the Clock-In/Out Corrections Web application. The messages issued by time evaluation are listed.

       4.      When the employee clicks on a message, the system goes to the week for which the message was issued. The employee can do one of the following to correct the error, depending on the type of error:

¡        Create a new time event

¡        Change an existing original entry

¡        Delete a superfluous original entry

If required, the employee enters the name of the person who is to approve the corrections.


The following process steps can, but do not have to be integrated with SAP Business Workflow. The reports and tools are available for both procedures. For more information about the workflow, see General Workflow for Documents.

       5.      The employee saves the corrections.

¡        If the clock-in/out corrections are to be approved, the system saves them with the status Sent in the document database for clock-in/out corrections. It uses the approver the employee entered manually in the application or determines the approver using Organizational Management. For the automatic assignment of an approver, the system uses the employee's manager as standard.

The system uses the RPTCOREMAIL report (Clock-In/Out Corrections: E-Mails to Involved Persons) to inform the approver that there are corrections requiring approval.

The approver approves or rejects the corrections. The RPTCOREMAIL report informs the employee of the result.

¡        If the clock-in/out corrections are not subject to approval, the correction is saved with the status approved in the clock-in/out corrections database. Managers with personnel responsibility and project leads can use the RPTCORLIST report (Clock-In/Out Corrections: Check Corrections) to check records that have been entered.

While the clock-in/out corrections have the status sent, the employee can still change or delete them. Once the corrections have been posted to the database, the employee then changes the original data from the TEVEN table.

       6.      If a clock-in/our correction was rejected in the approval process, the employee accesses the Web application again. The rejected correction is highlighted in the weekly calendar. Depending on the reason for the rejection, the employee now has the following options to change the correction:

¡        Changing the correction

¡        Deleting the correction The original entry is applicable again

¡        Deleting the correction Creating a new time event

The new corrections are subject to the check and approval process again.

       7.      All documents in the database with the status approved are written to the TEVEN table by the RPTCORPOST report (Clock-In/Out Corrections: Post). The time events with the origin indicator manual are displayed in the Time Events infotype (2011).

       8.      The system may be unable to post the corrections to the TEVEN table – because, for example, a time administrator had already deleted a time event. Corrections that were unable to be posted are given the status With Errors.

The RPTCOREMAIL report notifies the time administrator that there are corrections with errors. He or she then runs the RPTCORERR report (Clock-In/Out Corrections: Process Errors in Entries) and displays an overview of the incorrect data records.

He or she then accesses the Time Manager’s Workplace and checks the error situation for the recorded time events.

¡        If possible, he or she corrects the errors in the Time Manager’s Workplace. Once the cause of the error has been removed, he or she sets the status to approved in the RPTCORERR report. The data record receives the status posted in the document database.

¡        If the clock-in/clock-out correction contains errors, the time administrator rejects the data record. The employee is notified again. The data record is now assigned the status Rejected in the document database.

       9.      The clock-in/out corrections posted to the TEVEN table are taken into account in the next time evaluation run. The messages that were previously displayed in the Web application are no longer displayed.



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