The standard tasks for HCM Processes and Forms are closely linked to the other objects in HCM Processes and Forms. This means that they can be used to control more functions than most other standard tasks can.
● In the standard tasks, all links are already included that the system requires for communicating with the other HCM Processes and Forms components. It is therefore highly recommended that you use these standard tasks when setting up your workflow template.
● The standard tasks are deliberately of a general nature. This enables you to use identical steps in your workflow templates without having to copy and change the standard tasks for each individual workflow template. This means that you can reuse the same standard tasks for various processes, thereby saving a lot of effort when changes are required.
● You can use the following task groups to create your own workflow templates:
○ Interactive Components (task group TG17900002)
You can use the tasks in this task group to set up process steps that are executed by employees in your enterprise.
In the relevant standard tasks is stored which views are to be provided in the form application.
■ The Approve Form standard task provides two views: an approval view and a confirmation view.
■ The Edit Form standard task provides three views: a processing view, a check view, and a confirmation view.
The standard tasks already provide in their container all links that you require for HCM Processes and Forms. These container elements are transferred to the dataflow container of the workflow step when setting up the workflow template. In the workflow step, you enter your own values or step-related values. This includes the following information, for example:
■ Are special buttons, such as Forward to Expert, displayed in the form application for this process step?
■ Does the system save the data entered in this step to the infotypes?
The system uses the programming exit CL_HRASR00_POBJ_WF_EXIT entered in the workflow step to keep the process object synchronous with the workflow and writes the data entered with the interactive components to the process object. The programming exit represents the communication between the process object and the workflow. You must specify the programming exit for all workflow steps in which an agent interactively processes a form.
○ Background Components (task group TG17900003)
You can use the tasks in this task group to set up process steps that the system executes in the background. You must use the WF Batch user for this and ensure that this user has the necessary authorizations, for example, the authorization to update the Personnel Administration and Time Management infotypes.
You can use the background components to execute system activities such as:
● Check whether the relevant infotype records exist
● Creation of results that you can use for process modeling
You are not allowed to specify the programming exit CL_HRASR00_POBJ_WF_EXIT for the background components.
● The two task groups are grouped together with the task group TG17900001 (Components for HCM Processes and Forms). If you transfer this task group into your workflow builder, you can access the standard tasks of both groups when creating your workflow templates. You can then select the standard tasks in the Workflow Builder and drag and drop them to the graphical modeling interface.
See also:
● Task Group TG17900001: Components for HCM Processes and Forms
● Task Group TG17900002: Interactive Components
● Task Group TG17900003: Background Components