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Function documentationLow-Level Code Determination


You use this function to determine the low-level codes of location products before running heuristic-based planning in Supply Network Planning (SNP). The low-level code specifies the bill of material (BOM) level and supply chain location at which a location product is situated. The SNP heuristic needs this information to be able to determine the correct planning sequence for the location products, thus ensuring that demands are fulfilled correctly. It is important to maintain the planning sequence if you are running the SNP heuristic for only a part of your supply chain model.

We recommend that you always execute this function before an SNP heuristic run if changes have been made to master data, such as the production process model (PPM) or transportation lanes that are relevant to determining the low-level code and therefore also relevant for the SNP heuristic planning sequence.


  • The system determines the low-level codes for a given planning version, that is, for an entire model, or for a selected set of master data.

  • Low-level code determination for SNP is integrated in the transaction Maintain Process Chains.

  • For the individual location products, the system takes into account all SNP-relevant sources of supply, such as production process models and transportation lanes that are valid from any given date within the planning horizon. If there are cycles in the transportation lanes, or in the production data structures (PDS) low-level code calculation can only continue if you implement Business Add-In (BAdI) method /SAPAPO/SNP_LLC -> SAVE_WITH_CYCLES. The application log contains detailed information about cycles.

  • The system uses the product's position in the bill of material and the location assigned to the product to determine the low-level code. The highest low-level code (a code of 0) is assigned to the finished product in the final location in the supply chain (for example, a customer location). The next lower low-level code (1) is assigned to the finished product in the next-to-last location (for example, a distribution center) and so on. The system assigns the low-level codes of the individual components to the different BOM levels in the same way.

    The SNP heuristic then plans the location products in the low-level code sequence, first planning the location product with low-level code 0 and so on.

  • If the low-level code determination process fails, the system provides detailed information about the reasons for failure, as well as information about the percentage of master data objects for which low-level codes have been calculated. Based on this information, you can decide whether or not to use the incomplete results by implementing BAdI method /SAPAPO/SNP_LLC -> CHECK_RESULTS. You can use incomplete results only within process chains.

  • After running this function, a list of location products with assigned low-level codes is generated for the specified planning version or a selected set of master data. You display this list by choosing Display Results.


  1. To determine low-level codes, on the SAP Easy Access screen choose: Start of the navigation path Advanced Planning and Optimization Next navigation step Supply Network Planning Next navigation step Planning Next navigation step Supply Network Planning in the Background Next navigation step Determine Low-Level Code End of the navigation path.

  2. On the General Settings tab page, choose:

    1. Whole Model, if you want to determine the low-level codes of an entire model.

    2. Temporary LLC Determination, if you want to determine the low-level codes for a selected set of master data. If you choose this option, you must specify a set of master data by choosing Manual Selection and specifying a planning version, product number and location. Alternatively, you can choose Selection Profile, where you must specify a planning book and a data view.

  3. Choose Execute.

  4. If required, display the results (see above).

  5. Run the SNP heuristic in the background or from interactive Supply Network Planning. The heuristic uses the low-level codes to determine the correct planning sequence for location products. For more information, see Running the Heuristic in the Background.

    You can also restrict planning to specific low-level codes on the initial screen for running the SNP heuristic in the background.