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Example: Mass Print Drilldown List Localizar documento en árbol de navegación

The following section contains a detailed example of how the Mass print drilldown list function works and how the print setup affects it.

Settings in Print Setup

Sort characteristics

The report contains the 4 drill-down characteristics Customer group, Product group, Region and Division in that order. Note that the sort order for the printout (Report ® Print setup ® Drilldown and detail lists ® Mass print settings...) can differ from that of the displayed list (Navigate ® Sort characteristics). In this example, the sort order for the online list and the printout is the same.

Setting: Level of Detail and Page Break

The deepest level of detail is set at the third characteristic, Region, and a page break is defined following the first characteristic, Customer group. Note that you can only define a page break after characteristics that lie before last broken down characteristic in the sequence.

The following table shows these settings:

Este gráfico es explicado en el texto respectivo

Preparation for Printing

  1. The system starts by preparing the drill-down list broken down by Customer group.
  2. Then the system "drills down" on the first row of that list (Customer group 1) to display the individual Product groups.
  3. Then it drills down on the two product groups in this list (2 and 7) to display the individual Regions. The resulting lists are same two lists that would appear if you drilled down in that sequence online. The figure below shows these steps. Since the characteristic Region is the finest level of detail, the system does not go on to break the regions down by division.


Drilldown Sequence for Mass Print Drilldown List

Este gráfico es explicado en el texto respectivo

The third drill-down level contains two drilldown lists broken down by region. The lines of these lists appear in order on the printout.

The totals for the individual product groups as well as for the first customer group are also displayed. The row with the total for Customer group 1 is followed by a page break, as was defined in the example. The totals are indicated on the printout with asterisks (*) that show the drilldown level for which the sum was calculated. Thus the sum for each product group is represented with one asterisk, the sum for the customer group with two asterisks, and the grand total for all customer groups with three asterisks.

The following table demonstrates how the system drills down in the report and sends the rows to the pages of the printout.

Este gráfico es explicado en el texto respectivo

As you can see from this example, the number of rows printed depends on


For example, if you drill down through four characteristic (level of detail is the fifth characteristic) and each characteristic has 10 values contained in each drilldown list, the system has to print 100,000 rows, which - at 100 rows per page - yields a report of 1000 pages.

It is therefore recommended that you check the layout before printing using Report ® Print setup ® Drilldown list ® Print preview.



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