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Procedimiento Creating Business Partners Localizar documento en árbol de navegación


The initial screen for maintaining a business partner depends on the Settings you have chosen for the initial screen leading into the business partner dialog.

For more information, see Settings.


You are in the Business Partner dialog.

  1. Select a business partner category in the application toolbar.
  2. Specify the role in which you wish to create the business partner. With the BP role "contact person" the business partner category "person" is default.
  3. Select a grouping. Each grouping is assigned to a number range.
  4. Nota

    If a grouping has been defined as a standard grouping in Customizing, this grouping is chosen automatically. If you want to assign the business partner to a grouping that is different to the standard grouping, then you should select the grouping you require.

    If you select a grouping with internal number assignment, you do not need to enter a business partner number. This is created automatically by the system.

    If you select a grouping with external number assignment, you need to enter a business partner number.

  5. Enter the required data for the business partner in the tab pages. Fill the appropriate required entry fields.
  6. Choose Save.


You have created a business partner in the role you selected.

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