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Procedimiento Form Settings Localizar documento en árbol de navegación

When you create a form, you can make a number of settings to determine how individual rows or columns are to be displayed, or how numbers are formatted. These settings determine how reports that use this form appear on the screen. You can override these settings, however, by changing them in the definition of individual reports (see Functions for Defining Reports).


To format an element of a form (color settings, number format, sign reversal, and so on), place the cursor on the element and choose the applicable menu option under the menu Formatting. The formatting becomes visible immediately.


You can also save time by selecting several elements and formatting them at the same time. The selected elements remain selected until you explicitly choose the function Deselect all.

This function lets you change the color of the selected element(s).

This sub-menu contains all the functions which affect how numbers are displayed in the report. You can specify a display factor and the number of decimal spaces. The definition you make here always applies to a specific column group. You can define the number formats in greater detail once you have executed a report. There you can make different settings for individual columns. For more information on number formats, see Number Format.

This function causes all the signs in the report to be reverse. Negative values appear positive, and positive values appear negative. This setting is indicated in the form by a "-".

This function causes all the cells with a value of 0 to appear blank. This setting is indicated in the form by lower-case Xs: "".

The function Indent row lets you indent the text for individual rows to give the report a more visual structure.

These functions apply to all the rows of the form.

The function Margin type only works if you have already chosen the function Indent row for at least one row. It aligns all the rows of the report with the one indented the furthest.

The function Text length determines which text (short, medium or long text) the system displays for the rows.

With the function Column width you can change the width of individual columns. First select the column(s) you want to change, and then choose this function. Remember to choose Deselect all when you are finished formatting the columns.

These functions apply to all the columns of the form.

The function Align column text determines whether the texts in the columns are left-justified, centered or right-justified.

The function Text length determines which text (short, medium or long text) is displayed in the column headers. If you choose Long text - two lines, be sure to indicate where you want the line break by inserting a ";".

This function returns all your format settings back to the default.


It is currently not possible to format cells individually.


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