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Documentación de objeto The ITimeSheetReader Interface Localizar documento en árbol de navegación


Ensures access to time-sheet data, picklists, personnel numbers, and text elements in customer-specific services.




All data records whose date of entry is in the future, restricted by the aFromDate and aToDate

selectCurrentRecordVersions(IFieldDate aFromDate,IFieldDate aToDate)

The IPicklist object that is linked with a predefined field name. If no corresponding picklist exists, the return value is zero.

getPicklist(String aFieldName)

Active personnel number


Text elements created and changed in Customizing in SAP R/3 These text elements are created in the CATS_MY_TEXTS_C table.

Note that customer text elements should start with a "Z" so that they are not within the SAP namespace. For more information, see Changing User Interface Texts in CATS notebook.

getTextResourceShort(String aTextId)

getTextResourceLong(String aTextId)




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