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Procedimiento Cancelling Approved Records Localizar documento en árbol de navegación


If you notice that some of your approved data contains errors, you can cancel the records with errors. To ensure that you can still track cancelled records in future, the system does not delete them. Instead it creates a cancellation document that contains the reference to and invalidates the original record.


If your profile settings determine that approved records may not be changed, you also cannot cancel them once they have been approved.

If you change the cell content of an approved record, you are effectively cancelling the original record. The system creates a new record to reflect the changes.


Whilst a record has processing status 10 (In process), you can overwrite its cell content in the time sheet as often as required without cancelling the record.

If your data does not undergo an approval procedure, you can cancel it as soon as it has been released.


Cancelling single records

  1. Call the data entry view for CATS classic.
  2. Overwrite the cell content of the record you want to cancel with "0" (zero).
  3. Este gráfico es explicado en el texto respectivo Save your entries.

Cancelling all records in a row

  1. Call the data entry screen for the time sheet.
  2. Select the row containing the records you want to cancel and choose Este gráfico es explicado en el texto respectivo Delete row.
  3. All the records in the selected row are cancelled.


    If you want to cancel only some of the data in a row, Este gráfico es explicado en el texto respectivo split the relevant row.

    Then select the row containing the records you want to cancel and choose Este gráfico es explicado en el texto respectivo Delete row.

  4. Este gráfico es explicado en el texto respectivo Save your entries.


You have cancelled the original records.




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