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A number of fields are available in Infotype 0195 (Garnishment Order) for reporting purposes. These fields are not visible to the user when displaying or maintaining HR master data, but they are available in the background for query. You can retrieve all information related to garnishments processing from this infotype using ABAP query and ad hoc query. This information includes data from the Garnishment Document (Infotype 0194) and Garnishment Order (Infotype 0195) fields, as well as from payroll results. The table below outlines the fields available for query according to data source:


Fields Available for Query in Infotype 0195

Garnishment Document

(Infotype 0194)

Garnishment Order

(Infotype 0195)

Payroll Results


Order type

Amount (collected in current period)2

Case no.



Start / End dates of doc.

Initial balance1

Year- to-date4

Case no.




Limit 1 value /unit

Remaining balance6

Released date

Limit 2 value / unit



Additional amount Value / unit












1. Initial Balance - total amount to be garnished as of the date the document is issued.

2. Amount (collected in current period) - amount paid during the current payroll period of specified key date. If the key date covers more than one payroll period, this field contains the amount collected during the last period of the key date range. If nothingwas collected during this period, the query will return $0.00.

3. Month-to-date - amount paid during the month of specified key date. If the key date covers more than one month, this field contains the amount collected during the last month of the key date range. If nothing was collected this month, the query will return $0.00.

4. Year-to-date - amount paid during the year of specified key date. If the key date covers more than one month, this field contains the amount collected during the last year of the key date range. If nothing was collected this year, the query will return $0.00.

5. Total-to-date - total amount paid as of key date.

6. Remaining Balance - the amount that remains to be paid.



For information on evaluations using a query or ad-hoc query, refer to the Basis Components (BC) section of the R/3 Library under BC - ABAPQuery. For information on evaluations in Human Resources, see Special Features when Maintaining Queries from the HR Application (under BC - ABAPQuery).


When you create a functional area to query payroll results for garnishments use only Infotype 0195 (Garnishment Order). If you use Infotype 0194 (Garnishment Document) and Infotype 0195 within the same functional area query, the query results will contain duplicate entries for fields on Infotype 0194.

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