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Following the quality inspection, you have made the usage decision in Quality Management (QM) to put away the inspection lot, apart from the sample, which was destroyed during the quality inspection.


At the time when you make the usage decision in QM, the total quantity of the received material for the inspection lot is still in the goods receipt area (GR area).

You have set the indicator Dyn. Bin material doc for the selected requirement type in the Customizing for Warehouse Management under Activities ® Transfers ® Define Requirements Types, in order to set up the dynamic coordinate "material document number" in the goods receipt interface for processing the inspection lot.

Process Flow

  1. You post the goods receipt for the purchase order in the quality inspection stock (stock category Q) in Inventory Management (MM-IM).
  2. You post a goods receipt of 100 pieces of the material. The sample quantity is 10 pieces.

  3. When the goods receipt is posted in MM-IM, a transfer requirement is created in the Warehouse Management system (WMS). A positive quant is created in the goods receipt interface at the dynamic coordinates "material document number".
  4. The quant in the goods receipt interim storage area has stock category Q.

  5. The WMS notes the inspection lot number of the material in the quant information.
  6. You make a usage decision in QM.
  7. Example

    An inspection sample of 10 pieces of the material is destoyed. You release the remaining 90 pieces of the total quantity of the material received to the unrestricted-use stock.

  8. You post a goods issue for the sample quantity of 10 pieces.
  9. The WMS updates the original transfer requirement and reduces the quantity to be put away by 10 pieces. The existing quant in the goods receipt interim storage area with the dynamic coordinate "material document number" is reduced by 10 pieces.
  10. You make a transfer posting of the remaining material stock in MM-IM, from quality inspection stock (Q) to unrestricted-use stock (blank).
  11. In doing so, the WMS creates a posting change notice. For more information, see Release from Quality Inspection Stock.

  12. Create a transfer order for the posting change notice in the WMS.
  13. The WMS changes the stock category of the relevant interim quant with the dynamic coordinate "material document number" from quality inspection stock (Q) to unrestricted-use stock (blank).
  14. Note

    If you activate automatic transfer order creation for the posting change movement type, the WMS creates the posting change TO automatically in the background, based on the usage decision.

  15. You create a putaway transfer order in the WMS for the original putaway transfer requirement.

During TO creation, the system transfers the inspection lot number to the corresponding quants.


Following the quality inspection, you have, as a result of the usage decision, booked out the destroyed sample, and put away the remaining quantity of the material received as unrestricted-use stock.



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