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This BRCONNECT function checks the database system. For more information, see Database System Check.


We strongly recommend you to use this BRCONNECT function rather than the equivalent SAPDBA one, sapdba -check. The reason is that we will in future no longer develop the SAPDBA functions, whereas BRCONNECT functions will always be fully up-to-date.

Function options:

Input syntax: -d

Default value: Uses settings from the control table DBCHECKORA .

Input syntax: -e [<owner>.]<table>,[<owner>.]<index>,<tablespace>|<object_list>|non_sap|all_part|null

non_sap means that non-SAP objects (for example, Oracle dictionary objects) are excluded from the check.

all_part means that SAP partitions (such as in Business Information Warehouse and Advanced Planner and Optimizer) are excluded from the check.

null invalidates the exclusion list defined by the check_exclude parameter. This means that no tables are excluded from processing.

Default value: no exclusion

You can use this option to exclude tables or indexes with exceptional space parameters or statistics handling.

This option overrides the check_exclude parameter.

Input syntax: -o <owner1>[,<owner2>,...]

Default value: All SAP owners in a multi-schema database or SAPR3/SAP<SID> in a standard SAP database

This option overrides the check_owner parameter.

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