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Symbol Keys of Standard Characteristics

The symbol name that the system generates for a standard characteristic contains:


The following nomenclature only applies to new symbols that you created from standard characteristics as of Release 3.0F. Symbol keys you generated earlier remain unchanged.



Complete symbol key





Letter G (stands for generation)


Four-digit cluster of class key


Class number


Two characters from the specific part of the characteristic key:

– If the specific part contains an underscore, the system uses the first letter and the first letter after the underscore (AB_CD => AC).

– If the specific part does not contain an underscore, the system uses the first two characters.

Symbol Keys for Tables or Structure Fields and Non-Standard Characteristics

The symbol key also commences with a G. The rest of the symbol key is made up in the following way:


Tables in the SAP component always begin with EST (ESTRI, ESTVH). The symbol key for the IDENT field is thus GESTRIDENT (symbol key for identifier).


If two symbols should have identical names, the system replaces the final character with a digit.



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