Object documentation INFONAVIT-FONACOT cr.(0370) STy.INFONAVIT (0001) Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


The INFONAVIT-FONACOT Credit (0370) infotype, subtype INFONAVIT Credit (0001) contains information corresponding to the credits granted by INFONAVIT.


You inform the system about the conditions applicable to the employee regarding the INFONAVIT credit calculation and the way in which it is taken into account in the payroll via the administrative and calculation data entered in this infotype.


This infotype consists of the following groups of fields:

Credit data

The administrative information on the INFONAVIT credit is held within this group of fields, in the following fields:


Start date

Date on which you begin to deduct the contribution for INFONAVIT credit.


There are three options for performing this deduction:

    1. Apply the deduction, even in the fifth week: this means that there will always be a deduction applied to the employee. As a result, in months with five weeks the deduction will be greater than those with four weeks.
    2. The monthly deduction established by the corresponding institution is divided into four weeks. When a month has five weeks, no deduction will be made in the fifth week.
    3. Apply a variable deduction, i.e. when a month has four weeks the deduction is divided by four and when it has five weeks it is divided by five. In this way, the deduction is not always the same.

There is a button in the top half of the screen named BALANCE, where you can see what remains to be deducted from the credit, and the date on which the last deduction was made.

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