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Enables / disables delayed ("lazy") disconnection of user sessions.

In the Workplace, users can start several services, but all of these require an R/3 logon. Compared to executing consecutive transactions in a single SAP GUI session, the additional database load that results from such multiple logons is substantial. To alleviate this problem, you can use the ~sessionLazyDisconnect parameter.

If you set this parameter to 1 , and a user session is closed (either by setting ~okcode=/nex or through the Workplace command USER_CLOSE), the connection to the backend system is not immediately closed, but retained for three minutes. The session is logically deleted, but the session resources are still allocated.

  • If the lazy disconnect timeout period expires before the user establishes a new session, the connection to the backend system is closed, and the session resources are also physically deleted.
  • If a user establishes a new session before the lazy disconnect timeout period expires, the ITS reuses the session.

As an example, suppose you set ~sessionLazyDisconnect to 1 :

If the user starts a service with the URL http://<MyWebServer>:<MyPort>/scripts/wgate/<service>/! and, during the execution time of that service, starts another service with the same name, the ITS uses the same connection instead of disconnecting the first session and then establishing a new session.

To avoid the behavior caused by setting ~sessionLazyDisconnect , you can set the ~multiinstanceservices parameter in the service file. This allocates one session cookie per service instance, even if the same service name is used.

Set by

Service file.



No lazy disconnect timeout period set (default).


Sets lazy disconnect timeout period of three minutes.


~sessionLazyDisconnect     1

Valid from

Release 4.6D.


Setting this parameter assumes that one ITS instance is connecting to exactly one R/3 System.

At present, only flow file applications and SAP GUI for HTML support the feature.

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