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The following shows the SNC initialization information in the AGate's trace file (initial.trc). This information is displayed in the other component’s trace files, for example, the application server or the WGate. You can find the following information:

For example, Initiating Credentials available when the SAP Cryptographic Library is used.


SNC Initialization Information in the AGate Trace File

TmConnect: handle = 0
[Thr 1508] TmISncSetOptions: set tm_mode for 0 to TM_SNC_ON
[Thr 1508] SncInit(): Trying environment variable SNC_LIB as a gssapi library name: "D:\Program Files\SAP\ITS\2.0\
[Thr 1508] load shared library (D:\Program Files\SAP\ITS\2.0\
programs\sapcrypto.dll), hdl 0
[Thr 1508] File "D:\Program Files\SAP\ITS\2.0\programs\
sapcrypto.dll" dynamically loaded as GSS-API v2 library.
[Thr 1508] The internal Adapter for the loaded GSS-API mechanism identifies as: Internal SNC-Adapter (Rev 1.0) to
[Thr 1508] SncInit(): Initiating Credentials available, lifetime=16369h 28m 09s
[Thr 1508] <<- SncInit()==SAP_O_K
[Thr 1508] sec_avail = "true"
[Thr 1508] disp service: sapdp00
[Thr 1508] TmIGetName: no DISPLAY set
[Thr 1508] terminal name: host123
[Thr 1508] connect to dispatcher on host /H/
[Thr 1508] <<- SncSessionInit()==SAP_O_K
[Thr 1508] out: &snc_hdl = 01B95518
[Thr 1508] <<- SncSetMyName()==SAP_O_K
[Thr 1508] in: myname = "p:CN=ABC_AGate, O=MyCompany, C=US"
[Thr 1508] <<- SncSessionInitiator()==SAP_O_K
[Thr 1508] in: target = "p:CN=ABC, O=MyCompany, C=US"
[Thr 1508] parses to = "p:CN=ABC, O=MyCompany, C=US"
[Thr 1508] <<- SncSetQOP()==SAP_O_K
[Thr 1508] in: qop values = "min=9 (max default), max=9 (max
default), use=9 (max default)"
[Thr 1508] resulting = "min=3 (old:2), max=3 (old:3),
use=3 (old:3)"
[Thr 1508] handle 0 state mode 0 MOD_SNC_OK
[Thr 1508] ->> SncProcessOutput(snc_hdl=01B95518, ibuf=01B69680,
ilen=75, &idone=06E4E18B, &obuf=06E4E180, &oused=06E4E184)
[Thr 1508] <<- SncProcessOutput()==SAP_O_K


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