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Devspace type


Structure linkData Devspace


Structure linkLog Devspace



The Structure linkdatabase instance is in ONLINE mode.

The database parameter for the devspace type is equal at least to the total number of existing and planned Structure linkdevspaces.


Each time the Structure linkdatabase instance is started, the system checks that there is enough space available for at least one devspace of each type. If there is not, it automatically increase the setting of the appropriate database parameter by 1.

If you wish to enlarge the database instance by more than one devspace of a given type, adjust the relevant parameter accordingly (Devspace Configuration). Later on, this enables you to add a devspace of the given type a number of times in succession with the database instance in ONLINE mode without having to stop it.


  1. Choose Instance ® Configuration ® Data Devspace or Log Devspace.
    The system outputs all of the existing devspaces of the selected type and their data, as well as any devspaces still possible (in accordance with the parameter value that was set).
    Structure linksystem devspace depends on the size of the data devspaces and is adjusted automatically by the system.
  2. Name

    Name of devspace


    Size of devspace


    File, raw device, or symbolic link


    Path to devspace

    M. Type

    File, raw device, or symbolic link (mirrored devspace)

    M. Location

    Path to mirrored devspace

  3. Choose one of the proposed devspaces.
  4. Choose Devspaces ® Edit. Define the new devspace by entering the size, type, and path.
  5. Save the entries you made.



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