Entering content frameFunction documentation Costs/Contributions for Miscellaneous Plans (Report RPLBEN15) Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


This report shows employee and employer costs/credits or employee/employer contributions for specified miscellaneous plans on a given date.


The system shows precise amounts for contributions defined as amounts/units and estimated amounts for contributions defined as a percentage of employee salary. This is because it is not possible to determine actual employee salary on the report date.



You run the report for a Key date (today's date or another date).

You restrict data selection using the following parameters:


The report lists the following information, sorted according to payment frequency:

The amounts marked * are only displayed if supported by the plan.

The total contributions for each plan within each payment period, and also the grand total are displayed.

The list is displayed in the ABAP List Viewer (ALV) Grid Control, which allows you to change the layout of the list interactively using any of the available fields. For information about the functions of this tool, see Structure link ABAP List Viewer (ALV): Grid Control.


This report can be used to calculate the total cost of a plan for your organization.

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