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The SCEA and SCHA subtypes of the Exemptions Infotype (0582) stores the details of expenditure submitted as proofs for exemptions on child education and hostel allowances, respectively.


The details in this subtype are used during the calculation of tax exemption on child education and hostel allowances. This infotype can be created at any point of time during a financial year. Each time there is a payroll run, the system reads the infotype records for the entire financial year.

When you create an Exemptions Infotype (0582) SCEA or SCHA Subtype record for an employee, the data from the Family/Related Person Infotype (0021) records get defaulted into this infotype record. This default of data into the Exemptions Infotype (0582) SCEA or SCHA Subtype record is for information only and does not affect the actual exemption. You can select the Dependent indicator, if the employee has declared the related person as a dependent.


You have to enter the following details in this subtype:

See also:

Structure linkExemption on Child Education Allowance/Child Hostel Allowance

Structure linkDefining Exemptions on Child Education/Child Hostel Allowances

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