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The Disability PT (infotype 0333) stores all the necessary information about the employee’s disability, which affects the calculation of tax and Social Security deductions.


If an employee is disabled, the information about his or her disability, such as percentage and cause, must be entered in this infotype in order to determine the tax and Social Security deductions. The IRS provides specific tables which associate the employee’s percentage of disability with the tax rate to be applied. For Social Security purposes, there are specific regimes with different rates of contribution, depending on the disability percentage.

NoteThe system provides a table where the relationship between the percentage of disability and the tax and Social Security deductions is specified. To view this table, see in the IMG: Personnel Administration -> Personal Data -> Disability -> Maintain disability levels.


Disability PT (infotype 0333) displays a Relevancy Situation group box which automatically indicates if the employee’s disability is relevant for tax and Social Security processing or not.


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