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Allow you to enter and store object characteristics that are thematically linked.


You use infotypes to define additional object attributes or characteristics. You edit infotypes in Detail Maintenance. You can create, change, display, delete and delimit infotypes.

Each infotype enables you to define particular characteristics for an object. In the Relationships infotype, you can, for example, define how two objects are related to one another. In the Work Schedule infotype, you can define working time for a position, organizational unit or a work center.

Some infotypes are only relevant for certain object types. The Vacancy infotype is, for example, only relevant for positions and the Character infotype only for tasks. Some infotypes can be edited for all object types, the Object and Relationships infotypes, for example.


Each time you create an infotype for an object, you create an infotype record. Once you have created infotype records, you can change, display, list, copy, delimit or delete them.

You can create any number of infotypes for an object. You can also create several infotype records for the same infotype for an object. An object can, for example, have several relationship infotype records that define the object’s links with other objects in the organizational structure.

The data in an information type can be divided into various other information categories. These categories are called subtypes. In the Health Examinations infotype, for example, you can define two categories or subtypes of health information for a work center.



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