Entering content frame cost component split (CO-PC)

Product Cost Controlling (CO-PC)

A breakdown of costs into units called cost components, which provide detailed cost information for accounting purposes.

Cost component splits can be used to break down the cost of a material, process, or activity type.

Examples of cost components in a cost component split:

There are two types of cost component split:

Grouping multiple cost elements into one cost component facilitates cost analysis, helping you to answer questions such as the following:

In CO-PC and CO-PA, the cost component split can be used to roll up costs, enabling you to see the value added in production separately for each production level.

In CO-PC (and for CO-PA), a separate cost component split can be generated for each partner that supplied a resource for the product. Possible partners:

When allocating activities in CO-OM to determine prices, you can use a switching structure to enable the costs to flow into different cost components for the receiver than for the sender.

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