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Social Insurance Premium Date infotype (0141) allows you to store information such as, Monthly Average Compensation, Grade and Amount for Monthly Standard Compensation of employees which are necessary for SANTEI/GEPPEN process.

The standard SAP system contains the following types of Social Insurance Premium Data that are represented by the following subtypes:

Social Insurance Premium Data infotype (0141) is used to represent the employee’s Premium information of Social Insurance. The SANTEI/GEPPEN process is based on this infotype.


This infotype will not function properly in the absence of Organizational Assignment infotype (0001) with a corresponding validity period.

Social Insurance Premium Data

At hiring, the estimated amount of compensation in money and benefit in kind are entered. After that, the result of SANTEI/GEPPEN process is reflected in this infotype. The SANTEI/GEPPEN process decides if this infotype need to be updated or not by comparing the old and new information, that is the average of latest three months.

The Monthly Avrg. Compens. total field displays the sum of Monthly Avrg. Compens. and Monthly Avrg. Compens. benefit in kinds.

The Health Ins. comp. (in the case of Subtype 1) or Empl. Ins. Monthl. fields(in the case of Subtype 2) display the appropriate Grade and Monthly Standard Compensation for the amount displayed in the Monthly Avrg. Compens. total field from Table T5JSC(Social Insurance Grade of Compensation).


The status of Health Insurance is used to determine Nursing Insurance status, and Grade and Monthly Standard Compensation of Health Insurance subtype is also used for calculating Nursing Insurance premium deduction amount.


The Social Insurance Premium Data infotype (0141) record must be created for the following:



See also:

Social Insurance Basic Data (Infotype 0140)



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