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You can only use the maintenance functions in the processing mode Maintain. The maintained records are at first stored in a buffer. The records are only written to the database when the function Save is called. This makes maintenance functions which recover previous status possible:


The recovery functions can only be used until the function Save is called.

The function Edit   ®   New entry enables you to maintain a new entry. In one-step procedures (only overview screen) you get an overview screen with empty lines for your input, in two-step procedures (overview screen plus detail screen), an empty detail screen.

If you want to create new records whose field contents are to a great extent the same as already existing records, you can use the copy function. You can copy one or several records for processing, and change the fields as you want to save them.

    1. Select the record or records which you want to copy, and choose the function Edit   ®   Copy as... You get the selected records, with all fields displayed ready for input.
    2. Make the desired changes to the copies.
    3. Insert the changed records as new records in the local buffer with ENTER .


These new records are only written from the internal buffer to the database when the function Save is called, as for all other changes, and they can be discarded until then.

You can delete records individually or in blocks from the overview screen or the detail screen. You can also select by field contents and mark the records in this selection list for deletion:

    1. Select the records to be deleted, individually or by blocks (possibly after a selection).
    2. Choose Delete.
    1. Choose Selection   ®   Display deleted, to display all deleted records on the screen.
    2. Select the record or records whose deletion you want to cancel, and confirm the function Retrieve.

With this function you can give a field the same contents in several records at the same time This applies only to non-key fields.


If you want to change key fields, save the change as a copy, and then delete the source record.

    1. Select the records whose fields you want to change at the same time, and choose the function Edit   ®   Change field contents. A dialog box with the field list appears.
    2. Select the field in which you want to make the changes and choose Continue.
    3. Enter the value which the field is to have in the previously selected records and choose Replace. The field in question takes the specified value in all selected records.

You can recover the original status of a changed record.

    1. Select the record directly, or fetch a selection list of records with the function Selection, by marking one or several records.
    2. Choose the function Edit   ®   Recover original.


When you save, all maintenance functions (Change, Delete, Copy to correction, etc.) performed in the internal buffer since the maintenance was called, are written to the database.

You can thereafter no longer use the recovery functions or select by changed, deleted or inserted records.

It is, however, still possible to select records which are ,or are not, contained in a change request task.

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