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This infotype stores a new hires (Starters) details pertaining to Pay, Tax and PRSI brought forward from the starters previous employment.


This infotype is only created for a starter, if the starter has a valid P45 for the current tax year.

Payroll Accounting uses this data to make the correct tax deductions from wages and salaries.

NoteAll details on the Starters Details (Infotype 0387) are taken directly from the P45 the Starter received from their previous employment.

NoteBackdated changes to an employee's Starters Details (Infotype 0387) record do trigger Retroactive Payroll Accounting.

For more information, see Retroactive Accounting.


Monthly Paid / Weekly Paid

Depending on whether the Starter was Monthly or Weekly paid (from their P45), the Tax Month / Tax Week field indicates that an employee has received a Tax Free Allowance for this month/week number.

Totals from 6th April last to date of leaving

The P45 Pay field is the Starters gross pay from their previous employment(s) from the Starter's P45.

Similarly the Tax Deducted field is the Starters total tax paid in their previous employment(s) from the Starter's P45.

As at date of leaving

The Total PRSI (Employee plus Employer PRSI) and EE PRSI are the amounts paid by the Starter from their previous employment(s) provided by the Starter's P45.

Class Change

The Class field and Weeks field is the other class (if any), and stamps paid at that class, by the Starter from their previous employment(s) by the Starter's P45.

Previous Employment

The fields in this group refer to further changes in the Starters PRSI class in their previous employment(s) and is provided from the Starter's P45.

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