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Provides the command to be used for software file compression (if activated using the compression parameter such as: compress = yes ).

Syntax: compress_cmd = <cmd>

Default value: None

If you want to use the software compression, you must enter a command.
The command must contain two $ characters which stand for the file to be compressed and the compressed file.

You can enter the following command, for example:

compress_cmd = "compress -c $ > $"

Make sure that you adhere to the syntax rules when you enter parameters composed of several values - in particular, the double quotes " are essential.

Compression is performed on disk. You can specify the directory in which compression is to be performed in parameter compress_dir .

BRBACKUP replaces the first variable in the command with the source file which you want compressed. The second variable is replaced with the name of the compressed file. The second file name is assigned the extension ".Z".


Ensure that the compression command you enter does not delete the original of the compressed file. SAP therefore recommends that you always use the option -c of the compress command (when available) so that the original is not deleted.


If you use compression with the parameter compress = only or option -k only , SAP recommends using option -b 12 of the compress command.

compress_cmd = "compress -b 12 -c $ > $"

The compression rates determined in this manner correspond much more closely to the actual hardware compression rates, and therefore enable optimized file distribution and volume load balancing.

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