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You can only create transaction variants for dialog transactions and reporting transactions.
Only "normal" screens, dialog boxes, and subscreens can be included in the variant.

Screen variants are automatically created anytime you create a transaction variant.

To create a transaction variant, proceed as follows:

  1. Choose Tools ® AcceleratedSAP ® Personalization to call the transaction variant maintenance transaction, or use transaction code SHD0.
  2. Enter the name of the transaction and the transaction variant on the initial screen.
  3. The system creates a cross-client transaction variant. If you want to create a client-specific transaction variant, choose Goto ® Client-specific transaction variants to branch the client-specific transaction variant maintenance transaction.

    Client-specific transaction variants only exist in the client in which they are created. The field contents of the transaction variant must be available in this client. Cross-client transaction variants are available throughout the system, regardless of the client currently being used. The field contents of these transaction variants must be available in all clients.

  4. Choose Create to create a variant.
  5. The system calls the application transaction that you want to create a variant for.

  6. Enter the values you want to use in the input fields. Each time an action is completed (choosing This graphic is explained in the accompanying text for example), a dialog box appears listing the fields of the current screen with their current values. The kind of dialog box called depends on the kind of screen currently being processed ( see Requirements).
  7. Choose the options you want. The following options checkboxes can be selected:
  8. Adopt field values

    Saves the field values you have inserted on the current screen
    Resetting this field (deselecting it) allows you to delete all values saved for this screen in your transaction variant.

    Do not display screen

    Hides screen
    This is only possible if settings are copied to your variant (Adopt field values).

    With contents

    Field contents are saved with it

    Output only

    Field is no longer ready for input (display mode only)


    Hides field


    Required field

    You may or may not be able to select each of these checkboxes for every field depending on the field's type (see Requirements).

  9. Enter a screen variant name and corresponding short text if necessary.
  10. Screen variants are created automatically for each screen where values have been saved (copied). Enter screen variant names in the Name of screen variant: field. These names must be unique. If the system is able to find a unique name for a screen variant, it is automatically inserted into this field. (The convention reads as follows: <name_of_transaction_variant>_(<client>)_<screen_number>.)

    The following pushbuttons are available from this dialog box:


    Displays current application transaction screen again. Here you can make changes to your settings.

    Deactivate menu functions

    Deactivates menu functions in an additional dialog box.


    Allows user to edit a GuiXT script for the current screen ( GuiXT).

    Exit and Save

    Exits and saves application transaction.

  11. Choose the function Continue to proceed to the next screen in your application transaction. Repeat steps 3-5 for all further screens in the transaction.
  12. When you have reached the last screen of the transaction and inserted the values you want to insert, choose Exit and Save. The system exits the application transaction and saves your entries. A list appears containing all of the screens in the application transaction that you want to save entries for (that is, all screens for which screen variants will be created).
  13. Note

    You can also branch to this list using the Change values function during the function selection process.

  14. Enter a short text for your transaction variant.
  15. Display settings can be changed as needed from this list in the future. Settings that require information at application transaction runtime (field values, table control columns) cannot be changed from this list.

  16. Choose Save. The system saves your transaction variant and the corresponding screen variants. The Workbench Organizer dialog box is displayed for the transaction variant and for each screen variant. Use it to assign each of these objects to a package.

Deleting Preassigned Values

You can delete all of the values you assigned to fields of a single screen in a transaction variant by resetting (deselecting) the Adopt field values checkbox. This deletes the screen from your variant, even those entries that were transferred to the variant during previous processing.
If a screen variant has already been created for this screen, then the system simply deletes the screen variant's transaction variant assignment; the screen variant itself is not actually deleted.

Individual fields can be deleted from transaction and screen variants by resetting (deselecting) their corresponding checkboxes.




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