The system provides a row of different possibilities for derivation steps, so-called derivation step types.
The following are available as derivation step types:
Derivation Rule
A derivation rule is one IF-THEN rule in which is defined which account assignment values of the rin sisource fields or which combinations of source fields should lead to which account assignment values of the target fields. Concrete values are assigned to each other. You can use source fields as single values or intervals, but you cannot use master data groups (sets).
To create a derivation rule, you specify the source and target fields in Customizing of account assignment derivation as well as the conditions and step characteristics.
You specify the concrete account assignment in the application under Accounting ® Public Sector Management ® Funds Management ® Master Data
® Assignments ® Define Derivation Rule. At this point you can also specify a validity period.Example derivation rule: Commitment item should be derived from the cost element
Source fields |
Source field |
Controlling Area |
Commitment item |
Cost element |
Table Access
Using the table access you can access your preferred single records. In this case the source fields correspond to the key of a table to be specified, from which certain field contents in the target fields can be transferred.
With this derivation step you cannot access time-dependent tables. To do this you have to use the step type "Enhancement" described below.
Using the assignments you can assign the content of your preferred source field or a constant to a target field. Under certain conditions for example, a concrete account assignment can be copied into another field.
Example assignment: Funds center should be derived from the cost element
Source field |
Source field |
Cost center |
Funds center |
You can only use assignments when the names for the values of the source and target fields are completely or partly identical. This means that a structural parallelism must exist.
With the initialization you can set a concrete account assignment to the category correct initial value (blank character for category "CHAR"', zero for category "NUMC") and delete it.
For applications in which it is likely that the derivation types will not suffice, there is an enhancement available for the account assignment derivation (SAPLFMDT, component 001) which can be inserted into the derivation strategy where you wish, and more than once.
Each time before using this enhancement check whether the desired step can be reached by a skilful sequence, using the conditions, step and field characteristics (see
To use the enhancement SAPLFMDT you must create a project or use an existing project and enter the enhancement there. You can make these settings when you create a derivation step Enhancement in Customizing (under Funds Management Government ®
Master Data ®
Assigning to account assignments from different Components ®
Define Account Assignment Derivation). To do this, select Project Management.
When you insert the enhancement several times with different characteristic values into your derivation strategy, you must allocate a name in the tab page Characteristics in the field User-defined Name of the Step so that you can distinguish between the different steps in the enhancement itself.
The general procedure for creating enhancements, see the enhancement transaction CMOD under Help ® Application Help or in the SAP library under Basis ® ABAP Workbench (BC-DWB) ® SAP Standard System Changes ® Customer Exits.