Cross-System Planning Situation (CA-BFA) 


You can use this business process when you have maintained a material in several systems, that is to say cross-client, and wish to evaluate the planning for this material on a cross-system basis.

The evaluation shows the planning situation based on the data in the stock/requirements lists in the systems involved. You can design the display of the planning situation using an individual user layout and, for example, display information on MRP elements, production orders, purchase orders, sales orders, reservations, and warehouse stocks.

You can only process an MRP element in the system in which it is available as the original. Processing directly from the planning situation is not possible.

If necessary, the business process can be used in the company in combination with distributed Sales & Operations Planning (SOP).


Functions in the central SAP system:

Functions in the decentralized SAP systems:


Data Flow

All system involved must be maintained within a logical system by the user. The user can then start the evaluation from the SAP system in which the logical system is maintained (central system). The system sequentially checks whether the data for the specified material exists in another plant in the logical system. If this is the case, the data form the last MRP run is sent to the called SAP system by a Remote Function Call (RFC), and this system then displays the cross-system planning situation in the user-defined layout.