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Budget Allocation: New Developments in 3.0


In Release 3.0, the following functions have been added to budgeting:

In Release 3.0, it is now possible in the Project System to make successive budget releases. The release is based on the current budget - that is, the original budget plus all the changes due to supplements, returns, and transfers.
The budget values of selected WBS elements can be increased or reduced by a percentage or an amount.
In addition to the planned values, you can also display various alternative views (for example, distributed value) and copy the values to selected WBS elements.
In Release 3.0, you can take over a percentage of view set as a budget or add it to existing budget values.
You can enter long texts and/or short texts for budget line items.
The document chain - that is, the relationship between sender and receiver - is shown for budget updates by means of supplements, returns, or transfers.

Change system parameters in customizing

Budget release

In the budget profile for projects, you can determine whether availability control is checked against the:
Additional information

Further notes

Please note that orders for the project cannot be budgeted.