Availability Overview of the Components 


The availability overview of the components shows the availability situation of all components of a planned order. It is the result of the availability check.


You can view the availability of the components for both types of availability check.

Each type of availability check is displayed in a different color.


Individual Component Data

The components checked are categorized in three groups:

Each group is displayed in a different color. You can check the significance of the colors by selecting View ® Color legend. If you only want to see the missing parts, select View ® Check result ® Only missing parts.

A number of fields (which you can change as necessary) are displayed per component, for example, material number, material short text, plant, storage location, requirements quantity, confirmed quantity and so on. You can add or remove fields and change the display sequence. To do so, choose View ® Select fields.

The most important fields for the availability check are listed below:

The dependent requirements quantity resulting from the explosion of the BOM.

The date on which the components have to be available - this is usually the order start date of the planned order.

Maximum quantity available on the requirement date according to the check of all components. Depending on the Customizing settings (Availability check for components ® MRP group) it is calculated according to the logic of partial confirmation. With the logic of partial confirmation, the component with the lowest degree of availability determines the confirmed quantity of all components. With the logic of full confirmation the total available quantity is confirmed for all components.

When you save the result of the check, this quantity is copied to the planned order as the confirmed quantity.

Earliest date, on which the total requirement quantity is available per component. If the requirement component is not fully available at any time, it is given the number sequence 99.99.9999 as confirmed date.

Receipt quantity of the receipt quantity of component available on the requirements date. This quantity may be greater than the confirmed quantity as it is often the case that some components are completely available on the requirements date but others are only partially available.

General Data

In the header of the availability overview, the system displays the following general data:

This is the date on which the complete requirement quantity is available including the in-house production time of the header material. This date is copied to the planned order as the order confirmation date on saving the results of the availability check. The total confirmation date depends on the following:

The ‘partial confirmation date’ is displayed along with the partial confirmation quantity when the components are not completely available by the requirement date, however, a partial quantity is available on a later date (before the total confirmation date). Thus, this partial confirmation date represents the next point in time when a partial delivery can be made. Dates and quantities are based on the component with the least partial available quantity.


For information purposes, you can check the detailed date proposals per component. To do so, select the required component and choose . Depending on the type of check you have carried out (ATP logic or check against planned independent requirements), you receive the following data:

Check According to ATP Logic

A dialog box with a list of the individual confirmation dates and quantities appears. From here you can:

In the availability overview the currently checked dependent requirement is displayed as a simulative dependent requirement, as it has not yet been saved in the database.

Check Against Planned Independent Requirements

The system displays the total requirements.

T he system displays the planned independent requirements as well as the dependent requirements that were assigned (that is, consumed) for the components selected. As the dependent requirements have not yet been saved in the database, they are displayed as simulative dependent requirements.