Using Collective Access for Planning Result 

  1. From the MRP or MPS menu, select Evaluations ® Planning result collective display.
  2. You now branch into the collective access screen.

  3. In collective access:

If you do not enter any further selection criteria, the system selects all the materials assigned to this MRP controller or this product group in the respective plant.

If you do not enter any further selection criteria, the system selects all the materials assigned to this MRP controller or this product group in the selected MRP area or in all MRP areas. Materials that are assigned to five MRP areas are displayed, where applicable, with five MRP lists.

  1. If required, enter further selection criteria.
  1. Enter the layout.
  1. Choose twice.

The material list appears. This contains all the materials that fulfilled you selection criteria.

  1. Select one or more materials and choose Selected MRP lists.

You now branch into the overview screen of the first planning result.