Storage Location MRP 


Material requirements planning is usually carried out at plant level. This means that the system adds together stocks from all of the individual storage locations, with the exception of individual customer stock, to determine total plant stock. It may be necessary to exclude storage location stock from the plant's MRP run, or you may want to plan certain stocks separately.


If you plan several storage locations together or also want to plan storage locations using MRP, you can plan with MRP areas.


The following options are available:

In the planning run, stock that lies in this storage location, and which is planned separately, is not contained in the available stock at plant level.

If a receipt element (planned order, purchase requisition, purchase order, production order, and so on) or an issue element (reservation, sales order) refers to either a storage location that is excluded from the planning run or one that is planned separately these elements are not taken into account at plant level.

Reservations and sales orders, which are planned in a storage location for which MRP is carried out separately, are not included when calculating plant stock. The net requirements calculation for these requirements is restricted to this storage location.