Delivery Date Instead of Availability Date 


You can only use this function with the lot-sizing procedure Period Lot Size According to Planning Calendar.

The system normally interprets the period start of the planning calendar as the availability date. You can, however, set it to be interpreted as the delivery date.


You define the setting for the availability date or delivery date for period lot-sizes with the Interpretation of events indicator in Customizing.


It is not possible to use the indicator for scheduling together with the interpretation of the planning delivery period as delivery date.


If you set the appropriate indicator in Customizing, the system interprets the period start as the delivery date. The system subtracts the planned delivery time from this delivery date to calculate the release date and then it adds the goods receipt processing time to calculate the availability date. The availability date is thus displaced by the goods receipt processing time.

The grouping of the requirements is also displaced to guarantee that goods are available on time for all requirements. In this case, the requirements are not strictly grouped together within the defined period length, but within the availability dates resulting from displacing the goods receipt processing time.