Changing the Standard GUI Status 

The GUI status of a selection screen is generated by the system. The SET PF-STATUS statement in the PBO event of the selection screen has no effect on the standard GUI status. If you want to use your own GUI status for a selection screen or deactivate functions in the standard GUI status in exceptional cases, you can use one of the following function modules in the PBO event of the selection screen:

Sets another GUI status defined in the same ABAP program, or deactivates functions of the standard GUI status.

Sets a GUI status defined in an external function group. You must use the SET PF-STATUS statement to set the status in a special function module in this function group. You must pass the name of the function module that sets the status as a parameter to the function module RS_EXTERNAL_SELSCREEN_STATUS.

For further information, refer to the function module documentation.

REPORT demo_sel_screen_status.

DATA itab TYPE TABLE OF sy-ucomm.


  APPEND: 'PRIN' TO itab,
          'SPOS' TO itab.
            p_status  = sy-pfkey
            p_exclude = itab.

In this example, the Print and Save as variant functions are deactivated. To find out the function codes of the standard GUI status, choose System ® Status and double-click the GUI status field.