Individual Picking List 

The Warehouse Management System supports the management of complex warehouse structures with storage areas (high rack or block storage areas, for instance) within one or more plants. It can also carry out all stock movements such as goods receipts, goods issues, and stock transfers. It uses putaway and picking strategies to manage these structures.

For further information about the WM System, refer to Warehouse Management. You will only find information on the interfaces to shipping processing in this section.

Example of a Complex Warehouse Structure

The following figure illustrates the type of complex warehouse structure that can be reproduced in the Warehouse Management System (WMS). It is made up of several warehouses (high rack, block and picking locations) and various warehouse areas (goods receipt and goods issue areas).

Warehouse Number, Storage Type and Storage Bin

The most important elements in the Warehouse Management System are the warehouse number, storage type and storage bin:

The warehouse number identifies a complex warehouse management system that is made up of various organizational and technical units (storage types).

The storage type is a subdivision of a complex physical warehouse. It is defined by its physical, technical, or organizational features. Storage types include but are not limited to goods receipt area, high-rack area and picking location.

The storage bin is the smallest physical unit in a warehouse. It defines the exact location in which a material is stored in the warehouse.