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Purchasing: Retail Promotion (IS - R) in Purchasing


As of Release 3.0, you have the option in Purchasing of applying special prices and conditions for retail promotions and of creating purchasing documents specifically for certain promotions.

Changes to the interface

On the initial screen of the purchase order, the additional data screen for PO items, and the requisition item detail screen, there is a new field "Promotion". In this field you can enter the key of the retail promotion for which procurement is necessary.

This allows you to mark an item as belonging to a certain retail promotion. If you wish to create purchase orders which only contain items that are to be procured for a certain promotion, you can set up an appropriate system message.

Changes in procedure

After you have entered the promotion on the initial screen, the system checks whether the promotion exists and whether the delivery date of the items lies within its validity period.
After you have entered items, the system checks whether the material belongs to this promotion in the specified unit of measure. If not, the item is not assigned to the promotion and the system issues a message accordingly.
If you enter an item and assign it to a promotion on the additional data screen, the system checks whether this assignment is correct. If not, an error message is issued.

It is possible to maintain conditions specifically for promotions. If promotion conditions have been maintained, you need not enter the promotion number in the purchasing document manually. Instead, the system will adopt it from the conditions in the course of the price determination process.

When working with promotion prices and conditions, you have two options. Either the promotion conditions and prices are generally applied, even if the user has not entered a promotion number in the PO, or they are only applied if the user has entered a promotion number.

In the standard system, the setting is such that promotion conditions are only applied if the user first selects a promotion number.


Promotion conditions cannot be maintained in Purchasing. You must create them in the Retail system (IS - R).

Change system parameters in customizing

New field "Requirement"

In the calculation schema (in connection with pricing, also termed the 'pricing procedure'), there is a field 'Requirement' which determines that promotion conditions are only to be applied if the promotion number was entered manually.

System message 06645

This message draws attention to the fact that an article does not belong to the relevant promotion. You can set it up on a user-specific basis as a warning or error message.

If, for example, you wish to create purchase orders that only contain items for a certain promotion, define the message as an error message.

New condition type

The standard system contains a new condition type "PA00" (promotion price) for promotion conditions.

New indicator in condition types

Within the condition types, there is a new indicator that identifies a condition type as a promotion condition type. The indicator prevents this condition from being maintained in Purchasing. If the indicator is set, the condition can only be maintained via the Retail system (IS - R).