Formatting Addresses: ADDRESS 

The ADDRESS - ENDADDRESS control command formats an address according to the postal convention of the recipient country defined in the COUNTRY parameter. The reference fields are described in the structures ADRS1, ADRS2, or ADRS3, depending on the type of address. Either direct values or symbols may be assigned to the parameters.


/: TITLE title
/: NAME name1[,name2[,name3[,name4]]]
/: PERSON name of natural person [TITLE form of address]
/: PERSONNUMBER number of the personen
/: DEPARTMENT department
/: STREET street name HOUSE house number
/: LOCATION additional location information
/: POBOX po box [CODE post code / zip code] [CITY city]
/: POSTCODE post code / zip_code
/: CITY city1[,city2]
/: REGION county / state
/: COUNTRY recipient country [LANGUAGE language code]
/: LANG_FOR_COUNTRY language key
/: FROMCOUNTRY sender country
/: ADDRESSNUMBER address number

The parameter values contain both formatting and address information. The address data are formatted for output according to the data in the following parameters:

For more information, see the documentation for the SAP function module ADDRESS_INTO_PRINTFORM.

If DELIVERY is not specified and if a POBOX is specified, then the POBOX is used in an address instead of a STREET.


Means that the address should be formatted as a complete delivery address, using the street name and number rather than the P.O. Box.

Specifies the type of address. The following types are possible:

    1. Normal address (ADRS1). This is the address of a company or organization. It corresponds to the address structure that is expected in most SAP applications.
    2. Private or personal address (ADRS2). This is the address of a natural person, a private or home address.
    3. Company addressDienstadresse (ADRS3) with contact person. This is the address of a colleague or contact within a company or organization. The company name should be specified in the TITLE and NAME fields; the ATTN: contact person should be named in PERSON and TITLE.

Should you enter another address type or leave the field blank, then type 1 is used for formatting.

Specifies the paragraph format to be used for outputting the address. If this parameter is not given, the address will be output using the default paragraph format.

Specifies which of the address lines may be omitted should this be necessary. Any combination of the following codes may be specified. The order in which you list the codes determines the order in which address lines are left out.

The codes are as follows:

A Title

P Mandatory empty line

4 Name4

3 Name3

R Region

T Neighborhood, administrative section of a city (CITY2)l

D Department

L Country name

C Post code or zip code

2 Name2

B P.O. Box (Japan only)

S Street name and number or P.O. Box, depending upon DELIVERY parameter

N Name and form of address of natural person (PERSON and TITLE)

I Location information in LOCATION

O City

Specifies how many lines may be used for formatting the address. If there are too few lines available to allow all the address data to be formatted, then the data specified in the PRIORITY parameter are omitted. If there is no LINES parameter and if this command is in a form window of a type other than MAIN, then the number of lines available for formatting the address are automatically calculated based on the current output position and the size of the window.

Title or form of address. Used only with addresses of types 1 and 3.

Up to four names may be given, separated by commas. Used only with addresses of types 1 and 3.

Name of the addressee. Used only for addresses of type 2 (private or personal address) or type 3 (company contact address). In type 3 addresses, use PERSON for the name of your contact person: ‘Attn: Mr. Jeffries’. The name fields should be used for the company address.

Personal number. Can be used only for address types 2 or 3 (private or personal address).

Title of the addressee. Can be used only for address types 2 or type 3 (private or personal address).

Department of the addressee. Can be used only for address type 3 (company address).

Street name.

House number for the corresponding street.

Additional location information, such as the building, "Upstairs Apartment" and so on. Appears on its own line in the address.

P. O. Box

The post code / zip code of the P. O. Box if this differs from the post code / zip code of the recipient.

The city in which the destination P.O. Box is located if this differs from the city of the recipient.

Post code / zip code of the recipient.

Addressee’s city. city1 is expected to be the city; city2 is the neighborhood or administrative section, if required.

Usually, the system prints the city and country names of foreign addresses in uppercase (
You can use this parameter to force the system to output city and country name unchanged (uppercase/lowercase).

This allows an administrative region, county, province, or state etc. to be specified.

Specifies the recipient country, i.e. the country according to whose postal conventions the address is to be formatted.

This flag tells the system to use the recipient language for the country name.

( Default: Recipient language is not used: COUNTRY_IN_REC_LANG ‘ ‘ )

Default = Space

Use this parameter to explicitly set the language in which to print the country name of a foreign address. By default, the system uses the language of the sending country.

Language code of the language of the recipient country, if it differs from that of the recipient COUNTRY. Example: addresses in Switzerland. Standard SAP language codes are used; you can display these in the initial SAPscript text processing screen or in table T002.

Specifies the language to be used for formatting the name of the recipient country. For most European countries, the recipient country is specified by placing the international car registration letters in front of the post code and separating them from the post code with a hyphen. You must always specify the sender country.

The number is used to index a central address file, from which the desired address is read instead of using the set of the above fields. You can find more information on this facility in the documentation for the function module ADDRESS_INTO_PRINTFORM.

You use this one parameter instead of the set of parameters described before.

/: TITLE 'Firma'
/: NAME 'Schneider & Co', 'Finanzberatung'
/: STREET 'Kapitalgasse 33'
/: POBOX '12345' CODE '68499'
/: POSTCODE '68309'
/: CITY 'Mannheim'

This produces the following output address:

Schneider & Co
Postfach 12345

68499 Mannheim

If the DELIVERY parameter is specified on the ADDRESS command, then the street name and number will appear in the address in place of the P. O. Box number.

Schneider & Co
Kapitalgasse 33

68309 Mannheim

SAPscript makes an internal call to the ADDRESS_INTO_PRINTFORM function module for formatting the address. If the result is not as expected, you should check the settings for this function module (see the function module documentation).