Performance Trace 

The performance trace tool contains a range of trace functions that you can use to monitor and analyze the performance of the system in database accesses, locking, and remote calls of reports and transactions.


Performance Trace: Overview

Architecture and Navigation

Initial Screen

Recording Performance Data

Starting the Trace

Stopping the Trace

Analyzing Performance Data

Display Filter

Other Filters

Displaying Lists of Trace Records

Analyzing Trace records

SQL Trace Analysis

Embedded SQL

Measured Database Operations

Logical Sequence of Database Operations


Analysis of a Sample SQL File

Sample Analysis of an Oracle Statement

Sample Analysis of an Informix Statement

Enqueue Trace Analysis

Enqueue Trace Records

Detailed Display of Enqueue Trace Records

RFC Trace Analysis

RFC Trace Records

Detailed Display of RFC Trace Records

Other Functions

Configuring the Trace File

Saving Lists Locally

The Explain SQL Function

Finding Dictionary Information