Editing Source Code (Backend Editor 

By default, the editor works on the current line, which is determined by the cursor position and, in the backend editor, is highlighted.
You can, however, combine groups of lines into blocks.
This allows you to apply functions like cut, copy, and concatenate to a block of lines instead of just to individual lines.

You can also store blocks of lines in buffers and reuse them in other sessions or systems. For further information, refer to Using Buffers.

Selecting Source Code

To select

You must

One line

Position the cursor in the required line and choose Mark from the Editor toolbar.

A block of lines

Position the cursor in the first line of the block.
Choose Mark.
Position the cursor in the last line of the block.
Choose Mark again.

To remove the marking from a block, choose Edit ® Deselect.

Editing Source Code



Delete a block of lines

Select the block and choose Cut.

Copy a block of lines

Select the block and choose Copy.
The selected block is copied to the standard buffer.

Insert a block of lines

Position the cursor where you want to insert the source code and choose Insert.
The system inserts the block currently stored in the standard buffer

Duplicate a block of lines

Select the relevant block and choose Duplicate line/block.

Shift a block horizontally

Select the relevant block and choose Shift line/block.

Delete a line

Position the cursor on the relevant line and choose Delete line.

Split a line

Position the cursor in the required line and press ENTER .

Insert a new line

Choose Insert line.

Join two lines

Position the cursor within the required line and choose Concatenate.

Comment out a block

Select the required block and choose Utilities ® Block/buffer ® Insert comment *.

Remove comment marks from a block

Select the required block and choose Utilities ® Block/buffer ® Delete comment *.

Print a block

Select the required block and choose Utilities ® Block/buffer ® Block ® Print.


See also:

Using Buffers