Migration of Existing Users into the Central System 

If you include a new system in the distribution model selected, you must make sure that the user master records in the new system are transferred to the central system.

Proceed as follows:

  1. In the Implementation Guide (IMG), execute Transfer Users from New Systems (Transaction SCUG) under Central User Administration.
  2. The system displays a tree structure containing the systems in the distribution model. The systems flagged with New may contain user master records not yet included in central user administration.

  3. Position the cursor on one of these systems and choose Transfer users.


New users

These users are not yet contained in central user administration. By choosing Transfer users, you can transfer the selected users into the central system. This transfers all user parameters such as address and logon data, as well as profiles and roles. In the future, the user will be maintained centrally.

Identical users

These are users with identical user IDs (that is, their name and user name is the same). You can transfer these users into the central system. Local data is overwritten.

Different users

These users are already in central user administration but under different user IDs. Rename these users in the dependent system to the correct user name that is centrally maintained, or correct the name of the user in the user address, so the user can be transferred in the next step.

Already central users

These users are already in the central user administration under the same name. This user is already maintained centrally.