The Alert Browser: Working with Alerts  


Alerts report warnings and problems in your R/3 System and its environment. For a system administrator or operator, an alert is a service request. It records the fact that a problem has occurred and provides an opportunity to investigate and resolve the problem. The alert monitor stores alerts that have been resolved in the R/3 database, to provide a record of the problem.

The main tool for working with alerts is the alert browser, which you can start from the alert monitor. The alert browser displays a list of alerts that have not yet been completed.

Process Flow

  1. Display any alerts that occurred in your alert monitor in the alert browser.
  1. Analyze the alert. Was the problem that the alert signals transient, and is it already resolved? If not, what caused the alert and what should be done to resolve the problem?

Analyzing an alert requires that you collect information on the alert. From the alert browser, you can display more detailed information that has been collected by the alert monitor.

You can also start the analysis method that is associated with the alert and the MTE. This method lets you check the current status of and collect information on the component affected by an alert.

  1. When you have resolved the problem, or have determined that the problem was transient or can safely be ignored, select it and choose Complete alerts. The alert monitor records the alert in the R/3 database. The alert record is retained until you delete it by reorganizing the alerts database.

See also:


Detailed Tutorial


Starting the Alert Browser and Displaying Alerts

Defining Automatic Alert Notification

Completing an Alert

Displaying Completed Alerts

Reorganizing Completed Alerts

Stopping and Restarting Alert Generation