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Product Structure Browser: More PDM Objects as Part of Analysis 


As of this Release objects of the area of PDM can be read in the Product Structure Browser so that links and relations can be analyzed.

Additionally further objects from plant maintenance have more maintenance functions.

Objects from Configuration Management

With this Release you can use functions from Configuration Management.

Configuration folder
You can explode the following relationships for configutation folders:
You can explode the following relationships for a baseline:

Value assinment for task lists

In this Release you can only use a task list as an initial object when it is linked to another object. In this case the information about the task list is displayed. The system reports all task lists that exist for a material.

The following overview contains all task lists, routings, reference operation sets, and inspection plans as well as the relations that are read and have values assigned to them:

The following relationships can be exploded:
The following relationships can be exploded:
The following relationships can be exploded:

Value assignment for objects from quality management

You can also explode objects from quallity management as initial objects when there is a link for a material to this object. This display the information for the object such as the system reports all master inspection characteristics for a material specification.

The following overview shows the relationships that can be exploded:

The following relationships can be exploded::
The following relationships can be exploded:
The following relationships can be exploded:

Enhanced filter settings

Selection for the filter has been changed to match the PDM enivornment.

Maintenance functions for technical objects

You can now start many maintenance functions directly from the results screen of the Produxt Structure Browsers. This allows for centralized control of technical objects.

The graphical user interface (GUI) of the Product Structure Browser allows maintenance of the structure from plant maintenance:

All object specific functions for these objects can be called and started from the context menu (right.hand mouse button click) in the Product Structure Browser. Activate the New Display Version in the settings for the product structure.
You can find an overview of the functions under SAP Library (General Application Components -> Document Management -> Product Structure Browser -> Processing objects of a product structure).