Find and Replace (Frontend Editor) 


You can find and replace single words or any strings in the current source code. If you are searching locally, it makes no difference whether you are searching for a whole word or a part of a work. There is also no distinction between upper and lower case.
The local search in the frontend editor starts at the cursor position. Once it reaches the end of the source code, it can start again from the beginning.

You can also start a global search for any string in the source code of the corresponding main program and replace it. You can restrict the scope of a global search by setting various search options.


Finding Any Text

  1. Choose Find/replace, either from the context menu or in the toolbar.
  2. Enter the required string and choose the relevant option.
  3. Choose Find Next.
    If the string exists in the text, the system positions the cursor on it.

Finding and Replacing Any Text

  1. Choose Find/replace either from the context menu or from the application toolbar.
  2. Enter the string for which you want to search and the replacement string, and set the relevant options.
  3. Choose Replace all, or Find next followed by Replace.
    If the search string exists in the source code, it is replaced by the replacement string. If you choose Replace all, all instances of the search string are replaced in a single step.

Using Find and Replace to Delete Words and Strings

  1. Choose Find/replace either from the context menu or from the application toolbar.
  2. Enter the search string and set the relevant options.
  3. Choose Replace all.
    All instances of the search string within the source code are deleted.

If you want to start a global search that extends beyond the current source code, choose Edit ® Find/replace or the corresponding icon in the standard toolbar. For further details, refer to Editing Source Code in the Backend Editor.