How to Set Opening Stock Levels with Mass Processing 

You can use SOP’s mass processing function to set opening stock levels in information structures which contains the characteristic "material". In this context, a material can also be a product group.

This function is available with consistent planning and level-by-level planning.

These stock levels are visible in the 0 column of the planning table every time you plan a chosen planning version of the information structure. You can change them in the planning table if necessary.

The procedure for setting opening stock levels consists of three steps:

  1. You specify the information structure.
  2. You create a variant for this job.
  3. You schedule the job.

You set the variant parameters as follows:

Specify the ranges of characteristic values for which you want opening stock levels to be set. If consistent planning is used for this information structure, you can specify any planning level. If level-by-level planning is used, you must specify the characteristic values down to the material level.

The materials you enter can include product groups. In other words, you can set the opening stock levels of any combinations of product groups and/or materials in one mass processing job.

Enter the planning version in which you want the opening stock levels to be set.

Enter the field name of the key figure in which you want the opening stock levels to appear.

Enter dates here if you select Average stock below.

Select either Average stock, or Current stock, or Self-defined.

The Average stock option allows you to use average daily stock levels over a specified period of time as your initial stock levels.

The Current stock option allows you to use the current stock levels as your initial stock levels.

The Self-defined option allows you to use a method. In the field underneath it, you enter the name of the method. For more information, see Defining User Methods.


See also:

Setting Opening Stock Levels